Monday, June 18, 2012

Last week of the mission!! Thanks for all your support & love!

Olha Minha Querida Familia!
Então Jason... Eu gostaria de falar Português mas não da tempo... Mas eu vou te escrever em português tabom?
Oh my goodness! Thanks for the wonderful e-mails I love them all! I will try my best to write yall back but if I don´t have the time next week for sure. After all this is my last e-mail but not my last P-day... 

So now my time is running out. but can you believe it the mission is ending? I sure can´t. I love being a missionary and well been truly a huge blessing in my life. This transfer has been different than the rest. Its been full of knocking doors and just searching for those people needing the gosple in their lives. Its been super tough and well a transfer without baptisms, full of zeros in our numbers, freezing cold, and well just being super tired and well worn out. but I´ve learned a valuable lesson and thats how true this gospel is. If I´ve gained anything in this past year and half that how much our Father in Heaven really loves us and answers our prayers. How our savior literally is by our side. Really our prayers are answered daily if we pay attention. and well sometimes you´ve got to knock 20 more doors in the pouring rain on the coldest night to find that last house to teach a special family. Its interesting but before the mission I thought oh here in the next year I´ll have everything down! I´ll speak portuguese perfect. Ha that didn´t happen still to this day I get strange looks. I´ll know where to go, who to teach, I´ll be a pro missionary! nope daily its a struggle. But thats life. we will never have life down or know exactly to do. If we were perfect, spoke perfect and knew exactly what to do why are we here? Life is meant to be a struggle and to learn how to keep moving and progressing along. I´ve learned that time and time again here on the mission. We´ve got to humble ourselves before the Lord daily in prayer asking for fogiveness and those experiences to strengthen us and lift those around us. The mission has been amazing and really opened my mind up to how the gospel really is in action. How its so important to apply the atonement in our lives. So yeah life is difficult but hey its important to laugh and remember to be positive! Thats something my mission president and his wife taught me. To always smile! haha because if we can´t have happiness in our lives then what are we doing here. what have we really learned? Because of the atonement of our Savior we can  become clean daily, we can try again and again to be perfect daily. Because of the gospel the restoration of the church we have a prophet who leads us and guides us in this difficult world bringing us the light we need in our lives. and because of the restoration we have knowledge that our families can be together forever! I love this part! we have the power to seal our families together forever! also we have a book called the book of Mormon that if we let it, it can be the answer to all our problems in life and that happiness we are needing. So why be sad in life when we can smile and be happy that all of this is here on earth for our benefit to bless and strengthen us daily. I know our Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ lives and Loves  us. These past 18 months have shown that to me clearer. I´ll forever be grateful for these past 18 months and just being able to be a witness to many miracles and an instrument in Gods hands. I´ll miss this time like crazy here in the next bit. but I know this time has been well spent and I would reccomend this for everyone. Its tough, but the most rewarding thing I´ve done so far in my life. and I know without a doubt that it because of these 18 months I am more ready for what lies ahead of me. Also I want to thank everyone for the love, support, packages, e-mails letters and mostly your prayers. They really have sustained me as a missionary. Your words and just the thought to send something my way always lifted me up! I´m going to miss opening up my e-mail weekly full of e-mails! haha you just might have to keep sending them my way! haha jk but really thanks for everything I´ll never forget how loved I was as a missionary! Can´t wait to see a few of yall Saturday!!! THen few more the following week!! then the rest back in Utah!! I love you all!! Te amo!! Até logo!!
mia nossa como eu vou sentir falta da missão!!
com muito Amor!
-Sister Gregory

Monday, May 14, 2012

A little trunky but working hard!

Olha Familia!!
So we got word about transfers.... So Sister Neves is getting
transfered like we figured and I´ll be getting a new comp tomorrow.
Should be exciting because this will be the last transfer and last
comp for the mission. Man how time is just flying by! oh and did I
tell you how I´m not training again! Whoot Whoo! Man if I trained
again I´d feel bad for the sister. Because I´m getting ready to head
home and well she´d be just getting here! so yeah what a blessing! So
I want to send yall some pictures so I´ll see what I can do about

But thanks for sending me pictures of Bradley and Anna´s
wedding! Everyone looks so great and just well all grown up! Goodness
I think I´ll need some help when I get home with the new fashions and
stuff everyone is like all fancy! haha And looks like the wedding
really was a fairy tale come true!! I can´t wait to see more pictures
and just the wedding video if they made one!
So it was amazing talking to all yall yesterday! And don´t worry mom
you guys didn´t make me trunky! President Swenson said its alright if
you get trunky just don´t die. If you can still work hard and
being trunky doesn´t affect the work then your doing great. So yeah
I´ll be honest I´m just a tad on the trunky side but super excited to
see what this last transfer is going to bring my way! hehe! its going
to be an amazing one I´m just feelin it! Full of baptisms, miracles and
probably tears...oh boy... 

So we weren´t able to visit Catia this past week but this next week
we´ll for sure get there! Its just hard at times meeting with people
when they can only meet with us on the weekends. but we did find
Carloine! I told you a bit about her yesterday but I´ll explain about
her better in this e-mail. well we were kinda exploring new streets
and stuff the other day and well headed down one road that I thought
was pretty cool and exciting. haha well Caroline was sitting out in
the front of her house watching the little girl she nannies. It was
pretty cool. well we asked if we could share a message with her and
she let us in! We talked about the restoration and focused on the love
God has for us. It was a pretty spiritual lesson and just amazing
teaching her. She was grown up with parents that are catholics but no
one practices the catholic religon reguarly so she was open to
learning more. we invited her to be baptized and she acepted right
away! She also asked if she had to read the book of mormon a certain
order after I marked a chapter for her. I said nope! Its yours. you can
read it backward frontwards or however you want. its your book! haha
well I could see how she was just interested and wanted to start
reading and learning more! We mark an appointment with her this
wednesday so that should be pretty exciting!

So guess what? last night we found a pretty sweet family doing street
tracking. it was pretty amazing! I asked if they had a visit from the
missionaries before and they said not yet. like they had been waiting
for us to visit them! The dad was doing all the talking and asked
before I asked him if we could come visit them. I was a little shocked
and was like sure! I got explaining about how our families can be
together forever and just the wonderful plan of salvation. Well we
marked a visit for wednesday! Can´t wait! There are some promising
things for this next transfer! I´m praying for a wonderful transfer
and just one that I´ll never forget!

Still a little stuck in the road with Juci and her family. They didn´t
come to church yesterday so we´ll have to give them a call or
something today. I´m pretty sure they didn´t come because they didn´t
have a ride or were celebrating Mothers day. I hope things keep moving
along smoothy for them this transfer! They want to be married so bad!

Hmmmm what else is happening? oh I want to explain about this new
program we created and will start this next week. So things have been
well difficult the past little while. like things aren´t progressing
like they should be here. SO the light turned on thursday night after
an interesting ward counsel meeting this past week. Well I got talking
and talking and ideas just started coming out. Sister Neves started
putting our heads together and just realized that we´ve been slacking
big time and well the past missionaries here. Well the goal for the
District here is for them to turn into a stake. They´ve been praying
and praying always for this. Well president and sister swenson in the
last district mtg told them all to start in the home by doing the
small and simple family night, family pray and scripture
study. well we also realized that the name of this branch is Uniâo
which means `Branch United´ well the strong members are super united
with one another but them with us missionaries or less actives not so
much. so we got thinking more and realized lets do something to
motivate everyone to get them working more with everyone! SO we are
doing a month long save your buddy activity thing. we split the branch
into three groups by where everyone lives. for this month every
visiting teacher visit, home teacher visit, or family night with a
less acitive family or investigator they get points. If they invite us
sisters they get more points. they get points for giving us
references, bringing friends to church that aren´t members etc. So yeah
they are all trying to one get points but more important activate this
branch so in the next year they can turn into a ward because there
are like 200 or so ward members but like 20 are active. super sad
huh?! So yeah we are going to get very excited and ready to work
hard!! I´m excited to see what happens! We did something similar in
Fragata and well it worked out really well so yeah wish us luck! and
well this little Unitied Branch is needing lots of help and just ways
to be a lot more stronger! I´ll keep updated with how things go!
Well gotta run! Love you all!
-Sister Gregory

Monday, April 16, 2012

So I just feel so loved! Almost everyone wrote me a e-mail! Thanks so
much! So before I get to responding to your e-mails I just have to say
guess what!!! On April 27 ELDER HOLLAND IS COMING TO VISIT US!!!! oh
how exciting huh?!! The entire mission is getting together so I will
get to see all my buddies here in the mission and also in the Porto
Alegre North mission! oh I will get to see sister Wegener and
Dangerfield!! Did I ever tell you Jeremy that Sister Wegener is a cool
sister? She worked at a running store in Sandy! hehe You just might
meet her... haha so yeah I´m super excited!! I´ll have to contain my
excitement this week and next. oh goodness! So kristina is heading
home already? man that went by super fast! I´m so glad she really is
loving the time she had in Ecuador. Really its so true as a missionary
or doing humanitary service like kristina you get attached and I can´t
imagine how it is or will be when its time to say good-bye. I hate
good-byes. i hope this time doesn´t come anytime super soon...But
kristina plan on telling me about everything ok?! and showing me all your
pictures! Can´t wait!! And well kristina I can´t say I´ve ever been in
your exact shoes about coming home after working in Ecuador. But
saying good-byes is tough and moving on to new areas or just the next
thing in life. My only advise for you is to stay busy and to lean on
the Savior Jesus Christ. Remember that your work and time in Ecuador
their preparations for the wedding and marrage. I can´t say everything
is super easy teaching this family or preparing stuff legally for
their wedding but the Lord is helping us more than everything this
time. Sisters have tried and tried to get Juci baptized in the past.
but things never worked out. But this time I just can feel and see the
hand of the Lord working in this work! its so amazing!! Man I love
being a missionary and instrument in the Lords hand! by the way things
are running like 100x smoother than two weeks ago. Sister Neves and I
are working so much better together. We made personal goals this past
week during our weekly planning and then after we always share and ask
each other to help out. well guess what? our personal goals were like
pretty much the same! haha gotta love it!
well gotta run but I love you all! and not to be trunky but yesterday
I was talking with Viviane the branch presidents wife and she asked me
alot about you guys coming to pick me up and such. she got to telling me
what other sisters have done when their parents came to get them which
gave me a lot of fun ideas for yall!! but I will keep it all a secret
till it gets closer to when yall will be coming ok! well I hope you
all have a wonderful week! oh before I go.. I got Bradley and Anna´s
wedding announcement this week! CONGRATS!! hahah I love the announcement!
I´m so happy for you two! A letter is coming your way! and I will
keep my eye out for a good wedding gift!
-Sister Gregory

Monday, March 12, 2012

Walking and walking and walking

Olha!! Thanks so much for the wonderful e-mail mommy, daddy, Jeremy
and Grandma! Its always wonderful hearing from you all back at home!
So am going to try my best to get some pictures sent to you all! Its
just takes a bit longer for the pictures to get loaded! I need to get
my pictures on a Cd or something... But anyways! So its sounds like
your week was wonderful like always! Thanks for the wonderful
quote/story mom I really liked it! It really puts a perspective on
missionary work and lets you know that your efforts really are doing
something! so this past week was wonderful yet so exhausting! mia
nossa! So we walked and walked and walked! I am use to walking like
crazy here in the mission but in the heat and up and down hills all
day is just a bit different. Also here in Porto Alegre its been the
hotest summer they´ve had so yeah just imagine us sweating all the
time. Sister Neves said its pretty much the same temperature that
she´s use to in Forteleca so yeah its way too hot! haha but we are
managing! our investigators Fabiano, Juci, Samara and Oliverio made it
to church yesterday! it really makes your whole week worth all the
walking and working your tail off when your investigators make it!
Fabiano is a nephew to a young man in our branch. we taught him and set
a baptism date this past week. He is super quiet but yesterday was the
third time he´s made it to church so we were pretty excited! He will
be baptized 31th of March! whahoo! Then Samara our little 8 yr. old
will be baptized march 24 and probably along with Juci. She is a mom
of 10 kids thats really had quite a tough life. She was living with
her husband but this past week he has been treating her not the
greatest so well she kicked him out because she wants to be baptized
more than anything. She knows the church is true, the book of mormon
and that there really is a prophet here today. She really is amazing!
well she is willing to do all that it takes to get baptized so well
she kicked her boyfriend out. We aren´t sure its the greatest thing
because she had a few kids with him but well she feels good about it
so yeah now we don´t have to worry about her getting married! haha
well she came to church yesterday and was so happy! Its crazy how you
really get to see the promises of the gospel come to life in your
investigators! I love this lady and tonight we will have a family
night with some ward members and her big family. we will figure out
things for when she will be baptized. I am pretty postive that she´ll
be baptized in the next little bit. Oliverio is a crazy old man that
well his daughters and sister-in-laws and well alot of family is
baptized and strong members. so whats left is him and his wife. He has
a hard time walking but really loves the church. He has come these
past two weeks. its pretty funny because he always comes dressed up in
his gaucho clothing! but hey he loves the church and so we will start
teaching him this next week. he has promised us a bbq at the end of
this month so lets see what happens! haha well can you believe that
General conference is coming up? I can´t! I´m so excited! well that
pretty much is it for this past week. oh we had a Leadership conference
here in the mission this past week. I was told to come because I am
training. well we had to leave at 6 in the morning to get to Porto
alegre at 9 in the morning. well guess what? we woke up at 5:15 when
we were suppose to wake up at 4:30! it takes a half hour to walk to
the bus station! well we missed our bus and had to catch the next one
at 7. well we were an hour late to the conference. oh goodness! we´ve
got to get our alarm working! also I feel bad because sister Neves
isn´t use to walking and running so it was a struggle to get moving
quick! but hey we made it save and sound!
well thats it for this past week. we are just working our tails off
here and trying to keep up with all these 11 people preparing for
baptism and the huge bucket load of less actives! wish us luck!!
have a wonderful week!!
-Sister Gregory
Happy birthday!!! My Second Mommy Kelley, and Melody!!
hope its a wonderful birthday for you two!!
oh did i tell you that we are now teaching english? well we are every
friday at 7:30 at night. Lets see if my english comes back and that we
find some new peopel to teach!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Olha! so thanks so much for the wonderful e-mails! I´m really not sure
how much time I´ll have today to reply to e-mails. but tell Mark and
Denee and their family thanks so much for the e-mail! I was actually
thinking of them this past week and how I need to write them! So yeah
it was nice to hear from them! I will try to squeeze in the time today
to reply to their e-mail.
So I really am a bit tired! Its been pretty hot this past week so it
been pretty tiring. also this morning we visited the beach! cool huh!
a ward member that is like our mom/sister here took us to the beach to
take pictures and just see the beach here. we took a lot of pictures
that I will send to yall probably next week because I don´t have my
cord to hook in the computer. So yeah it was some great fun but.. I'm

just on the tired side.
So yeah this past week was pretty great. I can´t say our numbers were
great but the baptism for Anderson really happened! It was on the
stressful side but it did happen. So Thursday we planned to have his
baptism interview 6pm at the church. well he has difficulty arriving

on time to things so about 7pm after the Elders had arrived late also,
we called him up but he was just barely leaving his house. So since we
had a family night planned with a family in the ward at 7 I figured it
would be best to reschedule the interview for the following day. It
was a risky move since it would be the same day as the baptism. so
yeah the following day Friday we had a conference with our Zone. So

President and sister Swenson came into town. the Conference was super
good! I always love these conferences! By the way thanks for the
package! I wasn´t expecting another package! I was thinking I wouldn´t
be getting any more! but yeah towards the end of the conference
President asked everyone who would have a baptism that night. well
sister Tamily and I were the only missionaries! He then said that him
and sister Swenson would be watching it tonight. He asked was time,
where, who and what about the baptism. I was pretty nervous! It was
scheduled to happen but things could move and change after the

interview also I was worried that Anderson would be pretty late
showing up to the interview and baptism. Man I was just pretty
stressed out. Also was worried that there wouldn´t be that many people
to show up to watch the baptism. well anywho to get to the point of
the story we called everyone in the ward, Anderson did show up about
one hour late to the interview but right on time for the baptism!
Things really did turn out wonderfully and president gave us congrats
and just was proud of us! So yeah It was great. Then Sunday came
around church started and Anderson wasn´t there! oh my goodness got
stressed out again. I was thinking man this kid has got to show up or
he won´t get confirmed! and one week without being confirmed is pretty
risky. well in the end he showed up along with roberto, and all their
family right as the sacrament was being passed. He then got confirmed

after the sacrament. So yeah as you can tell I was a little stressed
this weekend! haha but I learned that I need to trust in the Lord just
a bit more and have more faith in my investigators. I am trying hard
to improve these things. but yeah really this week was a great one!
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! I have to do something fun like make heart
shaped cookies or something tomorrow. and guess what else! I´ve
officially been out here in the field for 1 year! can you believe
that! how cool!
oh so Cris and Ekesle are still scheduled to be baptized feb 24th. we
tried rescheduling things for this past week but they said they didn´t
feel ready and thought it would be better to be baptized after the
youth conference this weekend. so yeah feb 24 will be the baptism for
them! I am so happy for them. They are progressing right along!
I´m glad to know that Hannah Butterfield got my letter! I really
didn´t plan on it coming the week that you guys did your mini mission
but how cool I could be apart of everything! Thats great to know

that one more missionary is heading out from our ward. Go Troy Gajdos!
So the goal for 8 baptismal dates is really the mission goal for each
week. but this past week and now one more week its the mission focus.
We are doing a thing called Operation Salvation. Each week we have a
new focus. If we are able to accomplish the goals each week at the end
of the month we will get rewarded by having a party with pizza, ice
cream and soda. Also we work in teams. Our teams are our districts so
yeah we each have to do our part or our Disitrict will loose. so yeah
Its a little bit of pressure but its helping the mission progress a
Thanks for letting me know when its Jane b-day! I'll put that date on my

calendar so I won´t forget!
So there are offically two more weeks left of this transfer! We will
have transfers Feb. 27. I am really thinking I´ll get transfered
because I don´t know but I just have the feeling that my time is up
here. so yeah I am trying my best to finish things up here in my
beloved Fragata!!
Thanks for sending over SIster Kemps e-mail! Its been a long time
since I´´ve heard from her! I sent her a letter but its been a long
time coming to get her reply. I hope shes doing great! It sound like
we both are having the same feelings about loving the mission and how
things are sure passing by.
Thanks for the updates with the politics and such. I'm rooting for mitt

Romney! Hope things work out.
Sorry my e-mail is on the boring side. I will try better next week.
But sure do love you all!
Well thanks for everything! Till next week!
-sister Gregory

Monday, February 6, 2012


So this past week was pretty great!! We are preparing Anderson for his
baptism this friday. we met with him this past friday to figure out
the situation and what happened with his mom. well she got pretty
upset that he didn´t come home ontime. also found out that she doesn´t
really believe in anything so she wants to make sure that Anderson is
prepared well and really wants this for his life. I did get the chance
to talk to her on the phone and let her know that she doesn´t need to
be worried. we will prepare him well and make sure that he is ready
for baptism. well on friday we also remarked his baptism. he was
pretty upset becuase he wanted to be baptized this past saturday. I
was a little sad too! but we explained to him that it would be best to
wait for a bet longer. it had also been a week since we had seen him
and guess what! he had read and kept praying to know if this church is
true! We were so happy to find this out! he so wants to be baptized.
We will keep preparing him and friday will be his baptizm!
Oh remember Jeferson? we baptized him in November. well guess what! he
blessed the sacrament yesterday! oh my investigators are just growing
up! haha its great to be able to see things like this! hahah
so we are still preparing Cris and Ekesle. They are such a wonderful
family! They both are reading and praying daily. And Cris writes down
what she reads so she doesn´t forget it! then shares with us after. We
were able to see a good change in them also. Our first visit with them
they were pretty not depressed but not happy. then this past week our
vist Saturday night Cris had done her makeup and just was super happy.
Ekesle talked alot more with us and started to joke around with us. It
was so cool. I also bought one of the hats she makes and sells for
Jane. ITs pretty cute. so yeah any who. They came to church and loved
it yesterday. Cris has a sister that is a member also and they came to
church yesterday to! her sisters name is Quelen. This family has been
less active for awhile. but once we found Cris this started to change
a bit in this family. Quelen and her Family have been going to church
straight for the past three weeks. their oldest son (same age as
Ekesle) got the aronic preisthood, and tuesday night we have planned
to do a huge family night with these two families. So yeah the Lord
really is blessing us! We re-marked their baptism for feb 24th because
the youth will have their youth conference the 18th and Ekesle gets
to go! also becuase their will be a carnival this weekend. So there will
be no one here in fragata pretty much. but actually we are thinking of
moving their baptism date to this friday. they really are progressing
right along and really there is no need to hold off for two more
weeks. we will see how today and tomorrow goes and follow this spirit
about re-marking their baptism. but it could happen! Also this week
the mission is focusing on marking 8 baptisms for each companionship.
so this will be our goal! As of right now only cris, ekesle and
Anderson have baptism dates! So we are putting our trust in the Lord
that we will find these elect people this week! oh goodness wish us
luck!! I´ll let you know how all this goes. Hope you all have a
wonderful week!! Its been raining non-stop these days so I hope at
least the sun is coming out for yall!!
love you!
-Sister Gregory

Monday, January 30, 2012

I will tell you about my week now and as I do this I will send pictures over and
explain about investigators and the situations we are dealing with
right now!
So first things first! the misquitos have gone away!!! we finally got
two more fans. We close our windows at night so the misquitos don´t
come in and if they do come in they get blown away!! hahah so yeah my
arms and legs have stopped iching and are starting to get back to
normal! whahoo!! by the way I did try repelant many times but... that
didn´t help to much. about an hour or so later I would wake up iching
but no worries things are really getting better! also its still pretty
hot here! but you know what its just a part of the brazilian lifestyle

well I am absolutely love serving with sister Tamily. She is teaching
me so much everyday. like for example everyday we have to talk to 10
new people on the street or clapping doors. well she shares her
testimony super stong with each of them. I got into a habit of saying
about the same thing with every person so it got boring and tireing
and i was wanting to know how to make things fun and exciting again.
well I paid more attention and bam! I noticed how she was sharing her
testimony so much so yeah this is my goal to just share what i know!
so guess what! this past week we had a leadership meeting here and
guess what!! one of the assitants to the president that served in
Agronomia after me told me that one of the random people that i talk
to on the street him and his family are getting baptized!! how cool!!
Every day we record everything and all the addresses that we got in
our area book so yeah this is were they found this person. I
absolutely don´t remember this person but they remember me somewhat.
they remeber that some blond American talked to them. So yeah the
elders were like `sister Gregory!`haha I have a lovely accent here so
people can tell right off I´m american but yeah at least what I did in
Agronimia really worked! They are going to send me a picture of this
family and I have plans to write them a letter soon.
hmmm so yeah guess what! we have three people preparing to be baptized
right now!! Anderson who is a cousin to roberta. Roberta is the
daughter to Roberto and Ana Lucia. He is like another Jeferson! just
wants to be baptized. He had been taught by missionaries years back
and has visited the church many different times. like stake and
general conferences with his cousin Roberta. Well he came to stake
conference about two weeks ago. we set up a teaching appointment and
then the first time we taught him we invited him to be baptized and he
accepted!! how cool huh!! we also asked him why he likes this church
he said he likes what we do as missionaries. right then I thought man
he will be a great future missionairy!! so yeah he did have a baptize
date for saturday but... his mom is a little intense... the other
night after we taught him he went to is cousins house for a bit and
since he lives pretty far away and didn´t go home right after his mom
got nervous and for a bit no one could find him. well late that night
they found him walking on some street. so yeah she got really nervous
and well doesn´t want him to have anything to do with church right
now... so yeah we will visit him and his parents this week to get
things settle and just great again. just got to love situations like
this huh?!! haha well don´t worry we will do our best and soon enough
he´ll be baptized right along with his mom! hahah
well right now we are working alot with families! we found cris and
ekesle. Cris is a ward member´s sister. But his ward member is less
active along with her family. So yeah this less active family is in
the area of the sisters and cris and her two boys are in our area. so
us sisters are working with these two familes. well the first visit
with cris and her son we found out that missionaries had taught them
years back but weren´t baptized because she was living with the dad of
one of her boys marino. Also she had issue about accepting baptism
because she was baptized in the catholic church. well she is
separtated now from this ex-boyfriend/husband and has been for the
past two years. we also explained how we have the authority of god
only in this church and explained the whole thing about the apostasy and
the restoration. we invited them to be baptized but they didn´t accept
it the first visit. well we marked 3 nephi chap 11 for her to read.
the next visit she told us she read that chapter and now wanted to be
baptized because she is worried about being condeemed haha so yeah her
and her son will be baptized feb 18th! how cool is that!
so yeah our difficulty that you have your missionaires share their
experiences and testimonies about is getting our investiagators to
church. they all want to head to the beach sunday for some reason. so
yeah need some help with that. Also just have them share their
testimony of the book of mormon and why they know it to be true. also
maybe some help when quiting smoking and how going to church, reading
the book of mormon could help. I hope this helps you out!! I will now
send more pictures over and explain some situations ok!!
well I love you all!! have a wonderful week!!
-Sister Gregory

-P.S. SIster Daniele´s parents said its alright if she gets home
friday. so yeah I will write her a letter tell her that she has to let
the people know that will be settin up her flight plans!
also for Jeremy: I am finishing a letter to you that in this letter I
replied to your e-mails! Also let kailee know that it was wonderful
getting a e-mail from her!! made my day!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Loving Missionary Work

New Year's

Playing in the streets of Brazil

I´ll try my best to explain some things that my mission president has done to help us
missionaries out and to send a recipe or two and to give you some
facts about brazil! so where to start! ok I´ll start with the food. so
right now its summer so we eat a lot of fruit. its grape season so
we´ve been drinking alot of grape juice . but usually in every home
for lunch we drink natural grape juice or something like that. Here in
porto algre they have alot of peaches, strawberries, bananas hmmm what
else? oh right now its watermelon season to!! so yeah enough with the juice. so yeah
what ever season it is we usually will drink natural juice or soda.
like orange soda, sprite or a soda called guardana. they only have
this soda here. but its super good! you´ll try it out some day!
hmmm... ok so your typical meal is black beans, rice, some type of
meat and cut up tomatoes, lettuce and onions. so here is an idea for
you mom! make some yummy juice, rice, black
beans (look up how you make black beans here ok i would send you a
recipe but I´ve never made them... i do have a recipe that i could
send maybe next week) they are known for the black beans, then for a
salad cut up some tomatoes and onions and put them in a bowl and stir
in vinager, salt and olive oil, then make a lasagna! haha I can send
you a easy recipe next week but just buy a lasagna ready if its easier
for you. then for dessert you can make a fruit salad and put some whip
cream on top.

here is a recipe for home made whip cream. egg white and
sugar. for every egg white you need I think two or three spoon fulls
of sugar. beat together in the mixer and when its not runny its ready!

there are alot of great recipes for dessert here just look up some
recipes for `Puddin` or some yummy tasty brazilian desserts! I´ll try
my best to send some recipes next week.
ok so about the mission. my presidents number one rule is to smile. to
always be happy no matter what! it really help out alot! he is always
so happy and just willing to help out with what ever!

hmmm what do you
want to know? so sister swenson is always helping out with the health
issues. right now we have to drink like 5 bottle of water each day.
its super hot here! and the misquitos don´t help to much. the nights
are super hot and we just have one fan. we are going to buy three more
because we are allowed to have one fan for each missionary. so hmmm...
ok the misquitos are eating me a live! my legs and arms are covered!!
it really looked like I have chicken pox! I´m not kidding! wake up
nightly ichy and sweating from the heat! but hey the gospel is so true
and i just love being a missionary! so its all worth it!

so yeah in
every house we enter they offer something. like juice, crackers, fruit,
a dessert or what ever they just finished cooking. we eat a lot. no
joke! but yeah its great. we have to talk to 10 peopel every day on
the street to find new people. and hmmm.... really the mission is
wonderful!! we walk and walk miles everyday in the sun. I load on sun
screen and walk with my unbrella while people yell asking me if its
going to rain. or its not raining. but hey I like my unbrella! it
makes me feel like a princess!! haha but really I don´t know what you
want to know?!

but this past week as i am now training have really
gained an appreiciation for the misison. its the greatest decision
I`ve ever made. this past week everyone is telling me that I am so close
to ending the mission. and you know what? it really hurts to say that
I leave in june. I really will have to end this mission. I love the
happiness it brings to me and the people here. the peopel are so
loving and really understanding and want to hear our message. A few
times throughout the day we get the same replies like I am going to
another church, i´m busy, and rarely they will be blunt and say I don´t
believe in god. this upset my comp. she started crying and I pulled
her aside and asked her what happened? I was use to these replies but
with her first week out this bothered her. She told me how could you
not believe in god when you have children? this woman was holding her
son. I told my comp you know what? its so important to remember to
keep a smile on your face. they have their agency and our job is to
let everyone know that we are misssionares and here to help them come
unto christ. people will reject us daily but as we keep a smile on our
face and do everything on our part we will fulfill our purpose. its
tough sometimes but its not worth getting down about things like this.
there will be trillions of moments that will be tough on the mission
but if we can keep our chin up and be happy the misison will be so
much better and we will walk away a wonderful person!

ok I really
don´t know what you wanted to know. I really got to get running so if
I left somthing out just send your questions next week.
so my comps name is sister Tamily! she is absolutely amazing! I love
serving with her! she really came prepared into the mission! I really
don´t feel like I´m training at all! we are already like best friends
too! our goal this transfer to reactivate family and baptize families!
the bishop wants us to visit one family in the ward each day to help
reactvate people. also there are alot of families with one or more non
members so yeah this will help out lots! so yeah this past week was
full of miracles and just was wonderful to get out everyday and work
like crazy! being a missionary is fun!!!
well I will send you a picture really quick! so gotta run! oh
almost forgot. Fragata to porto alegre is three hours and agronomia to
porto alegre is like 30 min.
sorry if I didn´t resond to everything!! next week I´ll try better!
I´ll let sister Daniele know what president said also!
Thanks love you!! Te amo!
sister Gregory

Monday, January 16, 2012

Christmas pictures & New Companion

OH my goodness! There are so many thoughts in my head! and well lets
just say that I have about a trillion butterflies in my stomach! Mia
nossa!! where do I start? do I tell you whats going to happen this
next transfer or start with what you told me in your e-mail...hmmm...
ok I´ll tell you the news you want to hear then reply to what you told
me ok!
so guess what!..... I´m going to be.....A MOMMY!! haha so yup I´m
going to train probably a wonderful brazilian because well I don´t
think any americans are arriving and well if I trained an American I
would feel really bad because man I´m american and speak with one
great accent! haha so yeah can you believe it? I´m going to train! and
let me tell you I´m super nervous!! haha but I´m excited also for a
good change and guess what else! I´m sticking around in Fragata
probably for about two more transfers! oh my goodness! So yeah I love
this area but when its my time to leave I think I just might be ready.
its been now four transfers and I´m now going on my fith here! and
when people train they stick with their comp for two transfers because
of the training program here in the mission! So yeah keep me in your
prayers because I´m going to need some help! ahhhh!! so yeah me and
Sister Negreiros are sticking here in fragata. Sister Vicente (Who I
did a division with me a while back) will be comps with sister
Negreiros. Sister Daniele is going to train again!! and probably will
open an area because she is leaving the wonderful Fragata and going to
Porto Alegre. SO yeah we just might not see each other till June...
how sad! oh well... Sisters from sao paulo and the bahia are coming

here so yeah lets see who us two will train! And my lovely comp sister
Fasterra is heading back to porto Alegre and will be comps with Sister
Witers an american. Sister fasterra and witers are both having
problems with their knees so they will do physical therapy together
and be able to help each other out also they will stay close to the

president! The only problem is well... Sister Witers is that one
sister in the mission that well lets just say isn´t the easiest to get
along with... I´ve been helping sister Fasterra out with being more
happy and just following the Lords will. I hope things will stick. We
also had a bit of time to talk to sister Witers about the situation
and I think things will work out just wonderfully!

so yeah this past week really was wonderful!! do you remember
robertinho? He was one of the friends of all the girls we baptized at
the beginning of december. well him and Mateus (the girls older
brother) got baptized this past saturday!! it was such a great
baptism. They are in the area of the sisters but it was great to know
that they got baptized and I was able to see some people I taught a
bit get baptized!! we also found so many families this past week!! I´m
starting to get the hang of things here and just am loving things!!
i´m sure I will grow a lot as I train this new sister but I am happy
we have found some new promising investigators!! I´ve got to end my
time here in fragata strong and find all those hidden investigators!!
so guess what! I gave my second talk in sacrament yesterday!! and you
know what! the bishop told me I would be the first to speak just
seconds before I started to play the sacrament song!! haha well at
least it was before the sacrament! haha so yeah I just talked about
how its important to keep positive and look up rather than to your side
or on the ground. i shared the talk in the ensign about the missionary
that couldn´t speak german and was a little fustrated then got an
answer telling him that he wasn´t called to speak perfectly but to
serve with all his heart might mind and strength. I also talk about
our covenants we made at baptism and how there really isn´t a reason
to be negative or sad because we are tremendously blessed with the
gospel in our lives. so yeah then shared some scriptures and stuff
like that! so yeah I think i did an alright job and everyone told me it
was great! So yeah it was a great experience!
hmm.. what else?
sounds like dads work is working out! I am glad the atmosphere is
really good there!!
Kenners send me a picture of your new bed! congrats on buying it yourself!!
and kristina good luck in ecuador and send lucy and Hiram a hug for me!

Those kids are the cutest!!
well I think thats it for my e-mail. I will send you pictures next week

I promise! well that is at least my goal sorry I know i tell you this
weekly. but don´t you worry soon enough you´ll get pictures!!

well sure do love you all!!
boa semana!!
-sister gregory